Successful Hunts
Helo and Dan
This was a memorable hunt in North Idaho, 2008. Helo Hancock and I struck a bird mid-morning with a Yellow Cedar longbox and we set up immediately. I called once more and we started hearing multiple gobbles. When the birds came in it was 6 longbeards. That’s a first for me. We whacked the first two strutters and they both turned out to be limbhangers. That just doesn’t happen.
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Helo and Dan Picture 3
Here he is again in 2009 with a beauty (and another limbhanger longbeard.) Two limbhangers in two years. He must be living right. Living right AND he has some great private ground.
Will Brownlow
This is my friend Will Brownlow who was hunting Nebraska for Merriams in Apr 08. He called up two separate Merriams longbeards, same location, in less than an hour. The Eastern longbeards in the 2nd and 3rd picture were taken in his home state of Tennessee. You can read about these interesting hunts in the Hunter Feedback section.
Will Brownlow Picture 2
Will Brownlow Picture 3
Dr Wayne Lennington
This is Dr.Wayne Lennington, a friend in the Nashville area. He too is a believer in the longbox. Here are some pictures of his local Eastern gobblers and some Merriams from Nebraska. Please read his comments in the Hunter Feedback section.
Dr Wayne Lennington Picture 2
Dan's 2009 Longbeards
The following pictures are of the six longbeards I took in the 2009 spring season in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Two of them were limbhangers and one of those was taken with a bow. After I filled my tags, I kept calling for friends and relatives. I called in an obscene number of gobblers in the 09 season, all with the longbox.
Dan's 2009 Longbeards Picture 2
Dan's 2009 Longbeards Picture 3
Dan's 2009 Longbeards Picture 4
Dan's 2009 Longbeards Picture 5
Dan's 2009 Longbeards Picture 6
Mike Salemi
This is my friend, Mike Salemi of Waynesboro, GA with a nice longbeard taken with a Sitka longbox.
Doug Pollack
Doug Pollock of GA is well aware of the power of the longbox. He prefers the boxes in Neil Cost’s original style and he tricks those cagey Eastern gobblers.
Doug Pollack Picture 2
Doug Pollack Picture 3
Daniel Wittenberg 2007
My son, Daniel Wittenberg, with bow- killed gobblers from ’07, ’08 and ’09.
Daniel Wittenberg 2008
Daniel Wittenberg 2009
This longbeard has Eastern coloration, which is quite rare in our area. He had to remain motionless for three hours while the hunt played out on that reluctant bird. A 36 yard shot put the big bird down.
Mike Swarthout
Mike Swarthout harvested these WA and ID gobblers that came to the longbox.
Mike Swarthout Picture 2
Leland White
Leland White
My Special Brother Leland
This is my friend, Leland White. He’s like a an adopted little brother you don’t tell other people about. I asked him to give me a picture of any longbeard he might harvest and to include the bird and the call in the picture. He also included some other items such as a rifle, a bucket of corn and a hunting dog, all of which are illegal here in Washington. His idea, not mine. The red-neck garb and dumb look were his idea also.
Ben Washington Youth Season
This is young Ben with his first turkey taken in the Washington youth season.
Kirk Dilly
This is my friend Kirk Dilly from Minnesota with longbeards taken in SD.
Kirk Dilly Picture 2
Mark Mellinger
My long time friend, Mark Mellinger, now lives in Mississippi. He was trying to take those southern Easterns with a push-button call and not having much luck. I sent him a longbox call and a week later he sent me these pictures.
Mark Mellinger Picture 2
Bob Matt
My son-in-law, Bob Matt, with a nice Idaho longbeard wearing Eastern colors. A big Merriam’s dance all around us for an hour, gobbling and never offering a shot. This guy fired up two hours later and came in quick. Unfortunately the bird presented in Bob’s 3 o’clock position and Bob is a right hander. Unfortunately for the gobbler, Bob was able to shoot left-handed. Great hunt.
Dan"s Gallery
I just love bringing gobblers in with a longbox. Here’s a sampling of some of my successful hunts over the years, 2004-2009. It may look like a lot of the same, but every hunt is different, every hunt is exciting and I can’t get enough.
Dan's Gallery Picture 2
Dan"s Gallery Picture 3
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Dan's Gallery Picture 5
Dan and Grandson Isacc
My best hunting buddy!