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Hi Dan,
The long box call arrived today. The call is a fine playing instrument. The tone is exceptional. It is all hen turkey! The craftsmanship is fantastic and the call case is practical. The lining in the case is very protective. I will be a repeat customer!
-P. Quist, MI
Hey Dan,
I was at the NWTF convention in Nashville last weekend and nobody is making a call that sounds any better than yours do. I was at the convention for 3 plus hours and heard about 200-300 different calls. No doubt you’re at the top. I am gonna kill a big eastern and my first Merriams with your call so get ready for pics.
-Dr W. Lenin, TN
I got the call yesterday and am impressed with the quality. I love the call. Thank you so much. It sounds better than any call that I have. I am very excited to kill some longbeards. You will get some awesome pictures. Thank you and good hunting.
-D. Maurer, IL
This is a picture of my first turkey. 10 inch beard, 1 inch spurs, and was 20 LBS. Dan I called him in with the box call you made for me. Every time I hit the call he answered back. When he got to about two hundred yards out he saw my B-Mobile, and came running in. He then proceeded to beat up my decoy so I had to put him down. It was only a ten yard shot with a heavy shot load. Talk about a jelly head. But man what a great experience.
-W. Matt, NC
There are testimonials and then there are REAL testimonials. This is in the second category. I decided to try the Merriams in Nebraska this year, my first experience on this subspecies. ...The second morning we tried another spot and again sat quietly for the first several hours. We saw some birds but they just were not traveling our way. Finally at about 9:30 I brought out my Sitka long box. No sooner had I stroked out a plaintive yelp than I had a return gobble. This was after not hearing a bird since 8AM. Within 10 minutes a gobbler came at least a quarter mile and was presenting himself at good range. One down. After he piled up, I waited about fifteen minutes and hit the long box again. Unbelievably, within 10 minutes another longbeard walked in to 35 yards, where his morning love search ended. Wow. Two birds just like that. Your call really works. So now I have both Easterns and Merriams with your call; obviously they all speak the same language. Thanks again for the great call.
- W. Brownlow, TN
WOW.... What a beauty. And the sound is great. I am not the world's best with a box call, but now I have a real reason to become much better. I have been practicing for the last two days since it arrived. Thanks again for a real special addition to my efforts and I look forward to a favorable report very soon. It's about time to let the feathers fly….. Later…. Dan, this boat paddle really works! Thanks again for a great sounding call. The best part is learning how to use it both soft and loud. It can call ‘em up at any distance, and the sounds are really good. Evidence the two pictures attached. The first one from the opening day in Kentucky is not a very good picture, but the 2 year old was seduced from a great distance and came a lookin’. On the second morning I heard an old boy on the roost and gave him some soft yelps. I was out the ridge from his apparent roost site, and it took him about 15 minutes from fly down to come looking for love. Once he got close (in range), he gobbled his head off looking for that hen. Since I don't use a decoy he just gobbled and looked. Finally neither of us could stand it any longer and the feathers flew. This bird is 3 or 4 years old, great beard and spurs: a really nice bird for the hills of this area. Thanks again for a great call. I'll have to order one for my son for next year…. Later…… Dan, I am not sure I adequately said thank you for the fine turkey call you made for my son Johnson. It is a beautiful work of craftsmanship and woodsman ship all in one. We cannot wait to give it a try in the spring woods of East Tennessee. As you probably know, those of us who hunt the Eastern turkey are the real experts on tough birds, and your calls sure do the trick. Thanks again and have a great spring.
- W. Brownlow, TN
…..I hiked into a wooded farm not far from my own and tried a few calls on my favorite slate. After 30 minutes of that and no response, I walked off to a new area. Another few calls on the slate and still nothing. Then, like a gift from Heaven, I pulled out the long box, still calling from the same site as the failed slate. Up cranks a gobbler not 150 yards below me in the woods. Several more yelps and he was on the way. He closed to within 60 yards, where there was a deadfall tree. He waited and called on the other side of that tree and would not cross. So the end result was another night in the woods for Mr. Tom. BUT.... your call did its job again today. Thanks.
- W. Brownlow, TN
I just opened my turkey call that my wife (Stacy) and kids (Hannah & Emma) bought me for Xmas and man, does that thing sound sweet! I think you did an awesome job on the call.
- J. Poe, KY
Hi Dan,
I rec’d the box and really like it. You do a great job. You’re right; it does have a really good tone. I was really impressed with your touch in the presentation and the letter with the feather. Once again, thanks and am really glad to own your call. Regards,
- T. Hicks, GA
the call just came and it is absolutely beautiful, and your message so touching...
Thank you again for making the call for Mike. It is such a meaningful gift for me to be able to give him next spring and I know he will love it!!
- G. Bronson, MN
I received my call yesterday and I think I am driving my wife crazy already! I can't seem to put it down...It is extremely easy to get a great yelp and cut from it. I can't wait to give it a try in a few weeks. I read your instructions and they gave me great insight to calling with it. Thank you. I've been practicing calling softly with it as well - it makes a great soft yelp too. The craftsmanship and attention to detail that you put into the call is amazing. I really appreciate all your input and correspondence throughout the process. It made choosing the call that I wanted much easier and I'm sure that I'll be successful using it. It surely gives me the confidence to use it, as I know you have been very successful using them. Again, Dan thanks a lot for all your help. I'll be in touch with you soon - hopefully with "victory" pictures.
- M. Cholock, WV
Just received your call today 1-7-08. Very impressive. I have made some very impressive sounding yelps, cuts, and clucks and after working with it for just a few minutes I can do a passable purr. I'm very confident that with this call added to my arsenal I'll have success. Your friend,
- J. Davis Sr., SC
I did use your calls all season and got great results. Especially on the big bird. Dan if you have another call that is a knock out, sound wise, let me know. I will buy another.
- J. LaSpada, NJ
The box made it in great shape. Beautiful wood! I like the interior "resonator grooves" or whatever you want to call them. That's a very nice touch and it works. It has a nice sound to it - like I knew it would. The right amount of rasp and just a touch "yawpy". Just the way the birds here like it. It will sure fool Mr. Gobbler. It is sure a beautiful piece of spruce…. Thanks. Your friend, KT Later… The fabulous Wittenberg call really suckers jakes. I went out and screwed around with some hard-hunted birds, and had a group of 5 jakes storm me after a couple yelps from your call.
- K. Thompson, ID
I received the calls yesterday and look and sound great. The craftsmanship is first rate. I have to say that the value of these calls exceeds the price in my opinion. You can expect to receive additional orders from me in the future as well as recommending you to others. …. Used the calls this weekend in Virginia and they sounded great. Terrible weather, windy, 40F, and raining but we still almost killed one on Sat morning…….got busted by two jakes at about 5 yards with a gobbler trailing. My friend was really impressed with the call. Thanks again.
- R. Lockhard, MA
This past Thursday, I received the best looking paddle caller that anyone could want. I have not had a chance to do anything but play with it. It sounds really great.… Dan, Received the call yesterday, it’s a work of art. I know that my son will like it as well as I do.
- C. Kennedy, GA
A man could not ask for any better looking long box calls. I certainly appreciate all the time and skills you put into making them. I will cherish these calls for the rest of my life. After I'm gone I hope my sons and grandchildren will do the same. I'm thankful be able to buy a first class set of calls from someone who really cares about others and doing his best to satisfy them. My very first pick of the calls was the Poplar… It sounds awesome to me. All of them sound great indoors but the Poplar really has a tone that I like. I have heard so many hens that seem to have the same pitch as that Poplar call. Later …. I sat there calling now and then. After a long period of silence I hit the Poplar and heard a gobble a couple hundred yards off. The Poplar was used again and put down. After a period of time here came two long beards and a hen. The strutter was mine at 12 steps. Both long beards were in my lap. I shot the strutter and let the other longbeard walk. That was three longbeards called up on the first day. Later….. I wanted to let you know I took a longbeard yesterday at 10:50 AM. It was good morning. I called in five longbeards….. That was six longbeards in the past two days that came to Dan's Sitka Spruce call. It looks like the Sitka call by call maker Dan Wittenberg has earned a place in my turkey vest and in my heart and mind. The memory of the hunt using the Sitka call will be part of me for the rest of my life. I’ll send pictures of the bird I took. He had a nine inch beard and one inch spurs. Take care and thanks again for a call that gets results.
- M. Salemi, GA
I received the call today and what can I say? The call is absolutely gorgeous and even better, sounds great. The thing yelps like a dream and kee-kees better than I imagined. I like your handle design the best, especially the thumb grooves. I would have to say the call deserves an A+ and I cannot wait to try it out. Thanks a million and I will send you a picture of the first turkey I kill with the call.
- R. Platte, AR
Your call worked great. I got the "purr" down pretty good….. The first longbeard came in well to it. ….Your butternut call gets three more notches this morning. There was a hen with these gobblers this morning, but I actually pulled them away from her with your call. My yelps had the EXACT same tone quality as hers. I think I was just calling a little more aggressively though. The first one had a really messed up tail, but the second two were big dominant gobblers. The pictures haven't been enlarged; they were all w/in bow range. I was very impressed though with the tone of your call in direct comparison with the real hen I was competing against. Like I said, I pulled these three all away from her.
…I added one notch Saturday morning. I called in a tom, but I chose a really bad place to sit. I got several glimpses of him and could have easily taken him with a shotgun, but not with a bow. He hung up around 25 yards out, but we had a nice 30 minute conversation with each other. That purr technique that we were talking about the other night really seemed to drive him nuts.
- K. Dilly, MN
I used the long box to locate a flock and got in on them. I hid behind some brush and very softly called with the new call. All of the birds responded, and the hens were not happy. I identified a boss Tom and there were several Jakes. As they migrated within shooting distance a rogue hen came past me from the side and busted me. As she let out a couple of putts and they all got wary and started to move towards her. Having been shut out last year and knowing I was likely not getting back out I took the Jake. However, the best part of the day: I took my buddy back into the area late in the day. I had no gun just my call. I could see the flock about 500 yards away and on posted property. I let out a call and a large tom broke off of the flock and started moving my way. I sat silent for the most part and he kept coming and kept gobbling. Over the next 15 minutes he continued to migrate. When he was about 50 yards away I let out a very soft yelp. He put down his head, stretched out his neck and came running, he got within 15 feet before he spotted me in the bush. It was so much fun. My buddy did not get a shot but got to see the show. It really will be something I will remember forever. I am sold on the call and will be a promoter.
- S. Wellman, Spokane WA
I got the box yesterday. It is everything you said it was (looks great & sounds great). Hopefully I can send you some photos real soon. Thanks for all the advice; I may call for some tips on using the box.
- R. Cuevas, MS
Just opened it. Great job, looks great and a very nice lid. Sounds even better!!!!!!!! I scored again with #99 Saturday afternoon. 21lbs.10.25inch beard and 1.0 and1.1 inch spurs. I watched him strut for about an hour. He had 2 other very nice gobblers involved with me but I wanted him. He had me pinned down and was locked up at about 45-50 yards forever. Then I got a chance to stoke #99 , took the risk, and gave a whine also and he could not take it. He came on in drumming and strutting to about 35 yards. I turned down shots on the other long beards 20 times. I also had to get him away from them in order not to hurt them accidentally. We were looking at each other “nose to beak” in a full fan. He just would not periscope and my arms grew weary, so I shot.
- D. Pollock, GA